Come close [Music] God is my witness Hi guys welcome back to my channel and Welcome to another compilation video of Different black women relaxing their Edges so while many black women across The globe are embracing they are natural Kinky and curly texture there is one Thing that they still want to be sleek And also straight their edges of course There are no shortage of edge control Options but many women are finding that They need a little extra assistance Recently many hair YouTubers have taken To social media to kind of showcase how They achieve laid edges Beyond just edge Control and with relaxing there are so Many reasons why women are relaxing Their edges from wanting to feel more Confident with their appearance or Because their edges wouldn't properly Get laid and for some women they would Rather just kind of relax their Headlines for the late look they Actually crave rather than flat eye on Their hairlines every day which will Even be more damaging than the relaxer Itself [Music] [Music] [Music] And during this process you have to be Extremely careful you shouldn't rub or
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Put relaxer on your skin because it can Burn your hairline I will also advise Not to over relax your edges sometimes It can cause breakage it can also cause Traction and low pressure and also Chemical damage I feel like there are so many reasons Why women are relaxing their edges so You just have to respect what everyone Does with their hair So while we believe in Freedom of hair Choice I will recommend those who are Relaxing their edges to do so safely or To go to a professional to do the job to Kind of avoid Burns and also severe Damage if you are natural do you think Relaxing your edges is okay please let Me know in the comment section so I hope This video was helpful please enjoy the Rest of the video and I will see you on My next one [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] On [Music]