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How To Shave Using A Straight Edge Razor
Learn how to shave using a double edge razor. Everything you need to know on how to get a close cut without any cuts or nicks.
Natural Skin Care Product Active Ingredients And What They DoThe active ingredients you will find in commercial skincare products can also be found in many foods and ingredients you have at home. Here are what they do for your skin and how they are used in skincare products.
Read Wrinkle Reducer Reviews And Make The Right Choice In CreamsThe cosmetic industry is busy churning out creams and lotions for women. You get familiar with one cream only to find that a new cream has arrived in the market.
The Importance of Skin ScreeningsThis article focuses on the importance of skin cancer screenings, especially after the summer months when people have had so much exposure to the sun. More people tend to think about having skin checks done after the summer is over and they’re not out as much.
Strategies for Summer Skin CareThis article includes tips and strategies to maintaining your skin care through the summer months. Some of the strategies that are always helpful that could be included are: sunscreen use, avoiding sun during peak hours, etc.
Step In the Best Salon and Find the New Gorgeous YouFrom every aspect of life, we have changed and changed a lot to become more stylish. Previously, you do not care about what you are wearing and how you look. But today, you cannot think of stepping out of home without good clothes, make-up, hair styling, and accessories.
5 Important Points To Follow To Keep Your Skin GlowingAs you grow older, stress, environmental pollution, extended sun exposures and inadequate rest will contribute to wrinkles, uneven skin tone and sagging, as well as other signs of skin damage. The good news is that you can still have good-looking skin even as you grow older.
Eyelash ConditionerAn eyelash conditioner is among the indispensable cosmetic products for many women. It has a lot of uses if you want to obtain longer and fuller eyelashes in no time.
Home Remedies For Reducing Red VeinsRed veins are a common skin condition that many people find irritating. Red veins are not problematic from a medical standpoint but can be of concern from an aesthetic point of view for people who want to have smooth even skin tone and are annoyed by the appearance of these tiny red “blemishes” under the surface of their skin.
Seven Tips for Natural BeautyHave you ever wondered what it means to be in “natural beauty”. Do you find yourself buying products because you don’t love the skin your in? Here, I aim to show how you can look and feel your best without non-natural products. To help you age gracefully and love it!
Get Ready for Summer With Hair RemovalWith summer fast approaching, it’s almost time to bring out your summer dresses, skirts and swimwear. This means it’s time to think about effective hair removal. There are so many options when it comes to hair removal – and so many different areas to think about.
Homemade Face Masks Bases and IngredientsMaking your own skin care masks, creams and treatments at home is easy if you know how. You’ve probably heard of ingredients like CoQ10, Copper, Retinol, AHA fruit acids, DMAE or Papain and many others often promoted in beauty advertisements.