Don't you just hate when you are Tweezing your brows and you end up with These tiny little hairs that you just Cannot get me too tip number one is to Not tweeze your brows every single day If you let your brows grow out a little Bit and then tweeze them all on the same Day they'll eventually get on a cycle so You won't end up with so much sporadic Growth then it will help make brow Grooming even easier because you'll do It even less next you obviously want the Perfect pair of tweezers I love these Slant tweezers from tweezerman they have That nice perfectly aligned slant that Way you can lay them against your brow Bone and easily tweeze each hair next I Like to pull the skin taut just like This that way I can really reach the Little hairs and they come out easily And if you have a couple that just won't Come out do not dig do not pick at them Just wait a day and if you have really Good tweezers I promise you'll get them The next day and my last tip is to make Sure that you use your skincare on your Brow bone area make sure you find a way To gently exfoliate this area and Obviously moisturize and protect the Sunscreen

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