Hey miss mamas welcome back to my Channel it’s your girl makeup moon if You’re new here you might get some Sirens and if not you’re in the hood now Baby so in honor of black history month I had to take it back to the hollywood Shots days okay we taking it before the Nine nines in the 2000s how many of y’all still have them All picks from back in the day I know you still got some today i’m Basically just recreating the baddie Early 2000s makeup look black beauty to Me is truly the standard and without Black daddy’s influence the girls would Truly be lost like let’s be real here So when you talk about soft glam All the way to like super artistic looks You can’t talk about it without Referencing the black community first So Today i just want to pay homage to my Community and serve a look so let’s just Get into the [Music] Okay y’all tutorial my skin is already Freshly washed and moisturized per usual So what i’m going to do first is prime My skin using tatcha’s silk canvas and I’m just going to put that on all over Next i want to focus on the skin so i’m Going to go in with the charlotte Tilbury beautiful skin foundation and Guys i am in the shade 14 cool and i’m

Going to apply that all over as well and I am going to use my ulta beauty number 12 brush Yeah i told y’all i’m really really Liking this foundation It just really gives the girls like true True skin And i’m really big even though i like Full coverage foundations i’m just Really big on my foundation and still Giving me a skin like finish And girl if you could give me that then You could join the team I’m just going to put a little bit More [Music] Not the little scarf print still on my Forehead But Anyway now that we have the foundation Applied what i’m doing now is just kind Of just reinforcing The product into the skin just pressing It in making sure it’s nice and blended And then i’m going to go in with my Concealer I feel like i look like a little kid but Next i’m going to go in with my favorite Concealer and it’s the born this way Um concealer from too faced and this Time i’m not going to really use like a Highlighting shade i’m going to use the Shade chestnut um And i’m going to let the setting powder

Kind of do the highlighting for me Because again we in the 2000s right now Since okay we’re not doing a bright Highlight all right all right [Music] Before i blend out my concealer i do Also want to add merit beauty’s Highlighting balm and this is in the Shade bounce and i’m just going to kind Of also just kind of put that In the areas that i really really want To glow Because i feel like the babies just Always had this natural pretty glow And so we’re just going to add some of That I really really really love like that Glow from within and i feel like back in The early 2000s that’s what the girls Had like that really pretty just natural Glow to the skin so instead of using Like a shimmer highlight today i’m Opting for the highlighting balm And so now what i’m going to do is just Blend that out and i’m going to use my Real techniques brush in number 402. Okay guys so i just want to point Something out real quick notice how like When i’m blending out my concealer i’m Also just kind of placing like the extra Product that’s on the brush On my eyelids too just to kind of give It um a nice solid canvas And also kind of have my eyes with that

Pretty glow as well Next i’m going to take the one size Beauty um Translucent powder in the shade dark Deep i have been using this a lot more Than a laura mercier powder and y’all I’m really really really loving this Powder like patrick understood this time It’s so honey and to apply this powder i Am going to use a um velour powder puff [Applause] And what i’m going to do is just pack my Face with a little bit of powder all Over Oh not the banyan The bayonne good [Music] Also make sure you’re packing your Eyelids with the um That same that same setting powder Because this is pretty much going to be My eyeshadow honestly and remember when I was putting the concealer on i said That i was going to let the powder be The highlighting this is where your Second So this is where your second powder Comes in so i’m just going to use a Little bit of my nars light reflecting Setting powder in the shade shore Underneath my eyes All right y’all so i’m also not going to Do a heavy contour nor am i going to use Blush which is my favorite

But i’m going to keep it really nice and Soft so what i’m going to do is go in With the beauty bakery brownie bar face Palette and this face palette has Bronzer and a highlighter so i’m going To use Both Now at first i said i wasn’t going to Use a shimmer highlight but i cannot Resist this gold shade in this palette It’s just way too pretty and i think Gold Was like a staple okay so we’re going to Use gold a little bit on the face as Well All right so i just laid down a darker Shade and remember when you’re putting On like bronzers highlight any i mean Sorry not how like bronzers contour Anything always blend upward because you Don’t want to blend downward that’s it’s Not giving that okay so now i’m taking That that middle shade and just kind of Fluffing it out and honestly this shade Is so pretty it’s kind of almost acting Like a Blush it might be a blush i don’t even Know But It’s giving what i wanted to give so That’s all that knowledge Okay And now i’m just going in with my morphe M510

And i’m picking up some of that gold Shade now I’m scared i just want to put a little Bit See she’s too icy see that’s why you Want to do the The um shimmer it’s pretty but Period All right guys and i’m just going to Take a little teeny bit of liquid liner Just to thin the line and i’m only doing This because i want to again give my eye A little bit of shade So Straight on like that that’s it This i’ll be giving me lazy uh All right y’all now i’m going in with my Maybelline sky high mascara and i’m just Going to do a light coat of that Because i am going to add a lash but It’s not going to be dramatic it’s going To be like a little wispy lash from kiss Because The girl we was not wearing no lashes Back then okay It was giving mascara and lip gloss And y’all know when i get to the lips They about to be extra glossy and it’s So funny because My auntie be like mum Why do your lips be looking like a Bucket of grease Girl because i don’t want no crusty Dusty lips that’s why

Bucket of grease me please All right y’all so i’m just using some Wispy lashes from kiss these are Number eight that’s what they look like In case anybody’s wondering Number eight So with me Where is the last glee I think i want to cut these That’s cute okay okay let me put the Glue on Y’all be good so impressed when i be Doing Makeup like when i um I haven’t taken any clients in a while But normally like when i have clients And they’d be like oh just do whatever You want to do Girl just be making that stuff as i go Along and when they be coming out cute Girl to get so hyped they just be like They’ll be laughing at me but i know When they mine and be like this girl It’s too much So yeah i’m just putting some glue on my Lashes And they want to more applause Y’all this look is so cute i cannot wait To take pictures [Music] All right y’all so i’m just taking a Little bit of eyebrow mascara to brush My brow hairs in place because i don’t Necessarily really want to like

Pestle them in I think it gotta take away from the look A little bit so I’m just brushing them in place So for one they stay in place all day Before two They just look super super natural We look cute so all right let me take This i know y’all probably think i Already have on lip gloss but this is Just some lip butter So i’m gonna wipe her off I have to do the bedding Oh before i even do my lip i want to do A mold Let me see i need to use this same Liquid I hope i’ll mess it up So i think i should put my little beauty Mark back with baloney Period it’s a little dot No i’m not about to try to make it Because i’m a mess up I’m going to do one of them little kim Jones too Now i’m gonna do what i’m doing But for this i’m gonna do um Growing chestnut Okay y’all so for my lip i’m gonna go in With chestnut from mac and i’m going to Um line my lips with that Guys now i’m just filling in my top lip With that same concealer Now i’m going to skip the lipstick and

I’m going to go straight in with my Favorite y’all when i say i have so many Of these it’s not even funny i have at Least two in all locations Period this is my favorite the beauty Supply store lip gloss from nikka k Beaut is it nikki yeah oh she changed Her packaging i guess but anyway Y’all this is the best clear lip gloss On the market i’m telling you It don’t get too sticky it don’t do too Much i mean it will run a little bit if You put too much on but Just don’t put too much oil And i’m just gonna Put too much on because that’s just what I do Okay y’all this is my final look very Quick easy and it’s very much giving With the bags gave back in the day i Just want to say happy black history Month to all of my daddy Let me know what you guys think about This look down in the comments below Don’t forget to like this video if you Like the video and the girl her and Don’t forget to hit that subscribe Button and post bell notifications so That you do not miss an upload I really hope you guys enjoyed this Video as much as i loved creating it and I’ll see you in the next video [Music]

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