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How Fast Does Hair Grow? Can You Really Make Your Hair Grow Faster?
Can you really make your hair grow faster? Find out how fast does hair grow to discover the truth about growing long hair faster.
Most Effective Procedure For Permanent Hair RemovalElectrolysis is an effective method of permanently removing hair from the face or body with generally no side effects. Electrolysis works in a unique way by using chemical or heat energy.
How to Curl Your EyelashesIf you are one of those women who was born with limp, straight eyelashes, an eyelash curler will open your eyes as nothing else can. This strange looking beauty tool can make your eyes pop while lifting and lengthening your lashes. Learn how to us this innovative tool the proper way by following the steps in this article.
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Committing to Plastic SurgeryBefore committing to any plastic surgery procedure, you need to ask some important questions to yourself. Here are those questions.
A Basic Regimen To Brighten Up Your Skin NaturallyWe are all born with baby soft, supple, and glowing skin. As the years pass, we suffer exposure to UV rays, pollution, dirt, and so many harmful substances and forces making our skin lose the brightness and turn dull and dry. A basic regimen, if followed regularly, will brighten up your skin, and keep it healthy and glowing.
How to Preserve Natural Cosmetic ProductsOne of the most important concerns for the suppliers of every commercial product is to preserve it, as it takes time for their products to reach the customers. In most of the cases, chemicals are used as preservatives; hence one may think that it is difficult to preserve natural cosmetic products without using any chemicals. It may be difficult but it is not utterly impossible!
Easy Manicure Trends for 2013Go beyond the usual solid colour nails and have fun with these easy to do manicure trends for 2013. There’s no harm in experimenting with safe and fun manicure and pedicure trends that will add a great accent to your overall look.
Latest Scrub TrendsFashion has a lot to do with creativity! However, not all professions are allowed this the luxury to be creative as to what they wear, such as nurses who do not have much room to express their individuality. As nurses nowadays are becoming more fashion conscious, so are the companies in that design and sell scrubs. Scrubs have become one of the trendiest uniforms amongst all uniforms.
How to Make the Best Out of Your Uniform SituationSometimes life can be really unfair! It can seem worse in some situations such as having to wear uniforms as an adult when you already had to do so as a school going child. However, there are little things you can do to make the best out of your uniform situation! These trends have become real common for nurses specifically.
Scrubs to the Rescue!For people in the nursing field there are no days nor there are nights, there are neither Mondays nor any Fridays. As nurses, there is nothing more important to them than saving lives, no matter the day or time. A job cannot get tougher than this.
Tips To Prevent Nail Salon Citations From The State BoardA nail salon is a place where clients can get beauty treatments of various kinds. Unfortunately, it could also become a breeding ground for infections, if it is not maintained properly. Since a salon is…
Preparing for Genioplasty – Things to RememberGenioplasty is a surgical procedure through which the shape and size of the chin can be altered. However, while opting for this chin surgery, one has to remember certain things.