Foreign Thank you Thank you Foreign Enjoy Ed Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you When you stand I build what I want to make My way 100 weeks didn't change it experiments Development intelligence and patience I'll do it all again cause I never feel Complacent let's keep the Good Vibes Positivities contagious I'm never Looking back cause I made a life just Passionate a college graduate Suppressing all his talents yeah he Found a way to go and she's become an Advocate for taking control of your life Go out in battle and you think you ever Dreamed and after they get after it get Out your head and capture it you Got one life to master it don't give up On your future we all start losers Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign
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Foreign Foreign Let's go Foreign Come on Hahaha It's it's Thank you Tell me It's it's It's it's hard to go away Give me something Foreign Foreign Foreign I wish I knew How much Foreign Foreign I wish I knew Foreign Foreign Thank you Family Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Foreign
Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign