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Maintain Your Beautiful Hair The Healthy Way
There are people who are healthy enough yet they have brittle hair and loss their hair at young age but there are also people who are not healthy yet their hair looks healthy. Healthy hair is a good sign of good health. Give your hair the proper care it needs. Keep your hair clean as possible. Do not use hair products with strong chemicals. A healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy looking naturally beautiful hair.
Homemade Bath and Beauty ProductsMaking your own body scrubs, recipes and both bombs and other products is easy and it will save you money. When you purchase store bought spa products you can’t be sure what exactly they contain. With homemade products this is not a problem however.
How to Get Luscious LipsThere has been a lot of attention recently about lips. Unfortunately, most of the buzz is bad. Too many times we turn on our TV to see yet another celebrity looking like a duck with a large, stiff upper lip flipped up unnaturally toward her nose. The truth is, a great lip augmentation just makes the patient look better, without causing others to just notice big, shapeless lips. So how is it done right?
What Is an Infrared Body Wrap and the Top Five Benefits of an Infrared Body WrapInfrared body wraps are becoming a popular service at spas and salons around the world, and with good reason. The benefits from infrared wraps are many. Here are just five of the benefits people enjoy when receiving and infrared body wrap treatment.
Organic Skincare and Makeup Are Better For Your HealthEveryday we are exposed to hundreds of dangerous toxins. Whether they are in the air, or in our own homes, they are there.
Does Your Skin Care Regime Change With The Seasons?Believe it or not, your skin care should change with the calendar. In the warmer months, most skin types have a lot more moisture especially in humid locations. If your skin is oily you will want to use a cleanser especially for oily skin types. Toner can really help tighten pores and help to cut down on shine and oil build up throughout the day. You will still need to use a light moisturizer with an SPF.
Use Tamanu Oil and It Will Eliminate Many of Your Health and Beauty Worries!If this is the first time you’ve heard of Tamanu oil you are probably wondering what it is and what people do with it. There are some who refer to it as Domba oil; but no matter what it is called there are several special properties you want to be aware of with Tamanu oil.
Is IPL a Laser Treatment?Intense Pulsated Light, or IPL, treatment is often referred to as IPL laser hair removal, but it is actually not a laser treatment. Lasers use a single wavelength to pour light beneath the hair follicle. The light then creates heat and heat destroys the hair follicle. Once the follicle is destroyed, it will stop producing additional hair. This has become the most popular form of hair removal because it involves very little physical pain and can deliver long-term, if not permanent, relief from growing hair.
How to Get Rid of Leg Hair Once and For AllHow often do you have to shave your leg hair? Women have been dealing with this time-wasting activity for many years. Getting up early just to take care of the hair on this part of the body gets old, but you don’t have much choice but to do it. That is, you used to not have any choice but to get up and do it. There are actually some great options to get rid of that hair once and for all in our modern world.
Eye Make Up Tips for Older WomenOnce you reach a certain age it is important that you edit your makeup down to a minimalistic color pallet becauseย nothingย ages you more then badly applied makeup. Thick eyeliner, bold lipsticks, clumpy mascara and layered shimmery eye shadow are all applications that can look really aging and need to be avoided on mature skin. The wrong makeup application especially around the eyes, will accentuate creepy eyelids and fine lines and wrinkles.
IPL Hair Removal for MenMillions of women around the world go into spas and cosmetic surgeon offices every single day for consultations. Many are interested in permanently getting rid of the hair on the legs or underneath their arms, but they are not alone. Today, more men than ever are also sitting in those offices asking about the very same thing. They may not be as interested in getting rid of the hair on their legs, but they are interested in removing hair from their backs and other body parts.
IPL Laser Hair Removal – What Are the Other Benefits?IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. It is generally thought of as a laser treatment, but it is a bit different than other laser procedures. The light spray has a variety of wavelengths, which allows one handheld device to cover a larger area of skin at once. The best benefit is that these different wavelengths can be used to accomplish different things in the skin.