Look what I have it's another jumbo size This is naturium tranxemic topical acid Five percent now if you're the kind of Person that deals with discoloration or Dark spots and first I'm actually going To tell you to use sunscreen that's the Most important one and also retinoids But if you already have that down in Your skincare routine then it's always Helpful to have ingredients like Tranexamic acid that can help Target That discoloration on your skin Tranexamic acid is an amino acid Derivative that helps to specifically Inhibit tyrosinase tyrosinase is an Enzyme that causes that discoloration in This formula we have five percent Tranexamic acid which is a really great Amount of tranexamic acid but the truth Is we still need more studies that truly Prove that tranectomic acid can help to Reduce the look of discoloration so While we see a lot of people tell us That they see so much improvement in Their skin tone and their texture we Also include other ingredients like Kojic acid licorice root extract and Even niacinamide to really help get that Brightening effect for your skin because The reality is these types of skin care Ingredients always work better together As a team just look how juicy it makes My skin look but the best part about it About it and all the other ingredients
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Included are very easy to use in your Skincare routine obviously this is a Really popular product which is why it's Available now in two ounces we are Always listening to you so if there are Other products that you want to see in Jumbo sizes please keep telling us Because we are paying attention