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Not All Beauty Salons Are the Same
A regular visit to the beauty salon is no longer a luxury. For many women & some men juggling work and home can be very time consuming and at times stressful. Today, beauty salons are more than just a place to get pampered. A professional beauty salon needs to be able to offer a comprehensive range of skin care treatments, provide effective home care product solutions which suit your skin type and condition and a place to relax, unwind, throw away your cares for a while. Personal skin care routine, for most people, is not lavish behaviour – it is a way of life.
Minerals are Essential to Achieve pH Body Balance!Do you feel tired all the time? Do you find yourself running out of steam around the same time every day? Did you know that your body could be giving you these warning signs to scream to you that you are mineral deficient? How about your skin or hair? Are you happy with the condition and texture? Are you aware that the minerals you eat in healthy foods and that you drink in mineralized water can improve the condition of your skin and hair? It’s true! The natural solution to these problems, and more, lies in your healthy pH balance!
Do You Or Don’t You: A Guide To BeautyThere are plenty of tips available that concern beauty that it could be a challenge to determine which of them are in fact useful. Despite the fact that beauty should be within the eye of the beholder, there are lots of steps you can take for making yourself look better or worse. Look at the following article if you want some assistance with this.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally – 3 Proven TreatmentsDid you know that 9 in every 10 women want to get rid of cellulite? Indeed, 90% of the female population has this problem. You can select from a wide range of treatments some of which have been proclaimed as cures. Before you hurry to the nearest department store or pharmacy, you may want to check out some natural treatments which have been tested and proven to work.
Papaya And Its Anti-Ageing PropertiesDo you know that papaya is considered as the most nutritious fruit in the world according to many experts? Yes, this may be a shock to you, but papaya is packed with various health benefits that are not possible to obtain in a single fruit known to man. For this reason, papaya has been used for different purposes and one of these is for organic skincare and other types of cosmetic products.
A Peek Into the History of the Cut Throat RazorCut-throat razors, also popularly known as straight or open razors are traditional fold-able razors with one single blade held in place by a pivot. There is a slot in the handle of the razor to safely tuck in the blade after its use. Although, they have been replaced by electric razors and safety razors now, the straight razors are still a rage among men who prefer this method of manual shaving.
Cut-Throat Razor – The “Samurai Sword” of Personal GroomingIn terms of numbers, cut-throat blades cannot compete with millions of mass produced disposable razors around the world. However, straight razors still hold a respectable market share. Hundreds of thousands of devoted customers around the world, who view them as works of art and demand first class shaving experience certainly contribute to that.
BOTOX – Price Over Experience and Safety?Dr Leah winning the latest finale of The Apprentice 2013, sparked discussion and highlighted the importance of treatment solely being carried out by fully qualified clinicians. With increasing numbers of establishments offering facial rejuvenation treatments it’s difficult not to lose sight of the medical depth behind these treatments.
Pamper Your Tired Feet With Easy to Follow Tips“Ouch! My feet are aching too much.” How many times in your life has this comment come out of your mouth? Well, on any given day, your feet deals with blister-inducing stilettos, stubbed toes and calluses. Oh, wait! The list is not over yet; you also need to take hobby hazards like preparing for a big race or ballet training into consideration.
How to Trim a BeardIn this article you will learn how to trim a beard, so ladies will love it. Get a neat, clean cut appearance!
From Yestreday to Today – The Amazing Journey of CosmeticsThe history of cosmetics is a fascinating subject. Not only did women wear them, as they do today, but men often graced their faces with the addition of powders and cremes to enhance their god given physical attributes or lack of them.
Home Remedies For Acne Scars: Why It’s Better Than Chemical TreatmentsAcne is a skin condition which can make women distressed and worried. Once an acne scar is formed, you have to struggle for a long time to get rid of it. In most cases, your make-up tips may not help you much in hiding the marks. You’ll therefore need to find out alternative and effective methods to remove acne scars completely. Most people agree that home remedies for acne scars will be the best choice to deal with the problem.