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IPL Hair Removal – Better Way to Remove Unwanted Hair

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal treatment is an effective and safe for eliminating unwanted hair from every part of your body. In this treatment Light pulses from the IPL device aim the pigment called melanin.

Cosmetic Health – The History of Makeup: From Tin Oxide to Pan Cake

The art and science of wearing face makeup has journeyed through Antiquity to the 21st century. Leaving behind its roots as a poisonous powder, the formulation has matured into healthy skin loving minerals…

Makeup for Redheads

Determining the kind of makeup that goes well with the color of your hair is essential in enhancing your appearance. Regardless of whether you are a redhead by birth of have recently acquired this rather interesting hair color, it is important for you to wear makeup that complements the red.

What Can A Skin Firming Cream Do For You?

Skin is a tricky thing… one moment it is protecting us from germs and infections and the next it is sagging and drooping, causing us embarrassment. Skin that is tight and firm during youth becomes loose and pliable as we age. A skin firming cream treats sagging skin, causing it to regain its youthful composure.

Why Gluten Free Makeup Is Important

In the last few years, there has been a influx of gluten free cosmetics hitting the market. Some people dismiss them as useless and silly, while others grasp at them and hail them as veritable saviors. But are they? Are gluten free cosmetics really that important?

Can You Make More Than One Scent Work Together?

While some people have a single scent they have worn their whole life and never seem to get tired of, others drift between different perfumes, experimenting with new scents and trying new smells so they have a few different fragrances to choose from depending on the occasion. If you fall into the latter category, you might find you are sometimes torn between which perfume to wear. But what do you do if you find yourself in a situation when you can’t choose between your different perfumes for a certain event?

Getting Older Gracefully and Beautifully

You no longer need to obtain surgical procedures or obtain a large amount of pills to help keep yourself looking beautiful. By taking proper care of the body as well as your mind, it is possible to be lovely your whole life. Here are some ideas to be sure you can look as gorgeous as you would like, regardless of what your actual age might be.

Easy Moisturizing Honey Face Mask Recipes For Acne All Skin Types

Honey has many beneficial properties for skin. Honey face masks are soothing for inflamed skin, antibacterial for acne breakout prone complexions and hydrating for dry or environmentally damaged skin. It’s even good for reducing scarring when added to rosehip, almond, argan or borage oils.

How to Repair Sun-Damaged Hair

Sunlight carries harmful ultraviolet rays that can severely damage your hair. But if you act quickly, you can reverse the damage your hair has sustained from too much exposure to the sun. Read this article to find out how.

How to Protect Your Hair From Sun Damage

Sunshine in your hair simply feels gorgeous. But no matter how much you love the sunshine, you need to protect your hair from possible UV damage. This article shares tips on how to protect hair from sun damage.

How Do I Get Rid of My Double Chin?

How do I get rid of my double chin? Before you learn how to remove your double chin, you must firstly understand what has caused you to have it. Too much fat on the front of the neck can cause it, and if you have it, then most probably you are overweight.

Hair Extensions – A Fun Way to Play With Your Hairstyle

Wearing hair extensions allows you to change your hairstyles without a lot of fuss as well as cover up any insecurities you have about your hair. Learn how you can use hair extensions to your best advantage through this article.

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